When is the Right Time to Take My Child to the Orthodontist?

If you’ve begun thinking about how straight your child’s teeth are, the answer to your question is probably the sooner the better. If your child is 7 years old or older, it’s time to make an orthodontic appointment. By the age of 7, your child will have enough permanent teeth for the orthodontist to evaluate a current or potential problem. While your child is at his or her first appointment, the orthodontist may take a panoramic x-ray to help expose any underlying problems or concerns with your child’s permanent teeth.

Some problems may lend themselves to treatment while your child is still young, before their permanent teeth erupt. Treatments like palatal expanders can prevent more extensive treatment later by gently expanding the upper jaw while the bone is still extremely soft and pliable. Early treatment in this instance will allow the jaw to accommodate the permanent teeth without crowding, possibly avoiding braces or tooth extraction in the future.

Something Appears Off – But I Can’t Tell What it Is

You may be thinking about making an appointment for your child with an orthodontist because something seems a bit off when your child is biting or chewing – or maybe you’ve noticed they are mouth breathing or snoring.

Parents are often the first to notice something is not quite right, but it’s important to understand that 2/3 of what goes on in your child’s mouth is happening below the surface. Your child may have impacted teeth preventing their permanent teeth from erupting properly, or another problem which will be apparent to an experienced orthodontist.

You Don’t Need a Dentist Referral to Visit a Top Orthodontist in Rogers Park

If you believe your child needs an orthodontist appointment, there is no reason to hesitate – you don’t need a dentist referral to visit Lippitz Orthodontics and consult with the top orthodontist in Rogers Park. Orthodontists are experts in dentofacial orthopedics and orthodontics (the proper alignment of the teeth and jaws) and possess the experience and skills to help your child achieve their healthiest, best smile. Give us a call with any questions you might have or to book an appointment today.

7070 N. Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60645

(773) 508-5588

1500 Shermer Rd. #100
Northbrook, IL 60062

(847) 562-8858

650 Vernon Ave
Glencoe, IL 60022

(847) 835-3200