How Braces Improve Your Oral Health – Part II

Braces Can Help Correct a Misaligned Jaw

Malocclusion, or a misaligned jaw, can affect your bite, cause you discomfort while eating, and sometimes have a detrimental effect on your speech. If you suffer with any of these symptoms, consider getting braces to correct the problem.

An Improved Smile can Boost Your Self-Confidence

Are you tired of missing out on professional opportunities and social engagements because you’re afraid of being judged by the condition of your mouth? Embarrassment due to speech or eating problems often causes social anxiety. When you have straight, healthy teeth, you will be less concerned about whether your teeth look good, and more able to focus on your career and social life.

If you’re self-conscious about unattractive teeth, chronic bad breath, or how your mouth looks when you speak or smile, you’ll love the transformation that braces can make. Misaligned teeth can also cause your upper or lower jaw to recede or protrude, affecting the shape of your face. After wearing braces, you will not only notice a healthier mouth and straighter smile, but you might also be pleasantly surprised to see an improvement in the shape of your face.

Braces Can be Used to Treat TMD

Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can cause chronic jaw pain. Often presenting as a clicking or popping sound when you move your mouth, the pain can be temporary or last for many years and is sometimes severe. Fortunately, braces can help threat this common disorder, reducing and often eliminating the pain and discomfort that accompanies it.

Ask the Best Orthodontist in Chicago About How Braces can Reduce Mouth Pain

If your mouth isn’t healthy, you know it – 24/7. There is no way to escape chronic mouth discomfort. When your teeth are misaligned, or your bite is crooked, it can put stress on all the tissues in your mouth. Braces can relieve that pressure, preventing damage to your teeth and gums while straightening your teeth and setting you on the path toward a lifetime of healthy smiles.

You only have one set of adult teeth, so it’s imperative that you take your oral health seriously. By taking care of your teeth now, especially if your dentist has recommended braces, you will reap the rewards for many years to come. The best way to find out if braces might help improve your oral health is to visit Lippitz Orthodontics – the best orthodontist in Chicago.

Check back to learn more about the different types of braces and how each one can improve your oral health in Part III of the series.

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