FAQs About AcceleDent

If you feel self-conscious about your smile, know that there are options out there to help. Our orthodontist near Highland Park is proud to offer AcceleDent to our patients. AcceleDent is an FDA-cleared vibratory orthodontic device that helps speed up results while reducing overall discomfort. This advanced tool may sound intimidating, but it is extremely easy to use. Plus, it is clinically shown to increase tooth movement by up to 50 percent. If you’ve wondered whether or not AcceleDent works or if you have questions about it, please see the additional information below.

Q: How does it work?

A: AcceleDent is a mouthpiece that is fitted around your existing braces or aligners. All it takes is using this product for 20 minutes every day in order to see significantly faster results. It harnesses SoftPulse Technology to speed up the movement of your teeth.

Q: Is AcceleDent safe?

A: Yes! This product has undergone multiple rounds of testing and U.S. clinical trials and it has demonstrated to be safe and reliable.

Q: Is it possible to travel with it? Can I take it on a plane?

A: It’s important to note that all batteries need to be packaged responsibly when it comes to airplane travel. Batteries need to be packaged in a way that prevents short circuiting and in a package that prevents the batteries from falling out. AcceleDent meets these specifications and can be traveled with when done properly.

Q: Do I have to use it for the full 20 minutes?

A: It’s recommended to use AcceleDent for the full 20 minutes in order to yield the best results. You may be tempted to use it for longer to try to speed up the results, but doing so has not been proven to work more effectively. If you’re interested in learning more about AcceleDent, our orthodontist near Highland Park is only a phone call away. Please get in touch to get started.

7070 N. Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60645

(773) 508-5588

1500 Shermer Rd. #100
Northbrook, IL 60062

(847) 562-8858

650 Vernon Ave
Glencoe, IL 60022

(847) 835-3200